Eric S. Raymond writes:
> These patches are good, but the change comments use the old NTP bullet list
> format rather than the git convention, which is a self-contained summary
> line followed by a blank line followed by details in running text. Please
> fix that.

I was working with the standard format Magit offers up… so a one liner
for the commit log plus ChangeLog format in the body, I guess.  I can
remove the bullet points.

> Instead of referring to d2d2b531 you should reference either 'Attempt
> to avoid integer overflow warning.' (the summary line of the commit)
> or the action stamp <08:01:39 2016!>.

Do you know a way to get these out of Magit?  The SHA1 I can just copy
out of the blame buffer, but the other two options require more jumping
through hoops.

> Ideally, I'd like to see these commits as a GitLab merge request.  If
> that's inconvenient, I'll take a git format-patch patches by email.

Well, this seems to imply that I would need a GitLab account and create
an ntpsec clone there?  Then yes, this is inconvenient.  I could fork
ntpsec on and offer that up as a source for pulling if that
helps, otherwise I'll just continue to send formatted patches.  If you
don't want them on the list, is there a patches list or where do I send

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