Achim Gratz <>:
> The normalization function itself has a pretty big blooper as well that
> has been commited by Eric (dropping a minus sign in the condition).

Yeah, that was unintentional on my part.  Typo.  As you note, the unit
tests can't see it, or I'd have caught it sooner.

> So, how about this (the code for 32bit timespec might be
> removed later and replaced with a variant using div instead of LDIV):

These patches are good, but the change comments use the old NTP bullet list
format rather than the git convention, which is a self-contained summary
line followed by a blank line followed by details in running text. Please
fix that.

Also, you should *not* refer to commits by hex hash.  These are brittle
and will break if any future version of the codebase goes to a new
version control system, or if the repository has surgery that affects
any commit upstream of the one you reference.

Instead of referring to d2d2b531 you should reference either 'Attempt
to avoid integer overflow warning.' (the summary line of the commit)
or the action stamp <08:01:39 2016!>.

Ideally, I'd like to see these commits as a GitLab merge request.  If
that's inconvenient, I'll take a git format-patch patches by email.
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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