On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 12:54 PM, Tone Kastlunger <users.giulie...@gmail.com>

> Out of curiosity, are you running mapnik server on SFOS? :P
Yes, I do. However, note that Mapnik is not a server by itself - its C++
library for map rendering and few other things. So, at present, Mapnik is
used a default map rendering backend by OSM Scout Server. When compared to
usual Mapnik usage - PostGIS + apache2 - there are differences:

* The data is read from SQLite databases that are stored on device together
with few shapefiles. This required to make few import scripts and
adaptation//development mapnik styles

*  Server API is exposed via libmicrohttpd

But as a result, it works quite well on SFOS devices.

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