Sorry, the corresponding error was

harbour-osmscout-server-module-route.i486: E:
arch-dependent-file-in-usr-share (Badness: 590)


On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 3:00 PM, rinigus <> wrote:

> Hi,
> looks like Mapnik issue is induced by a bug in tar_git script and I hope
> it will be resolved.
> I have a next issue while compiling one of the programs. Namely, to comply
> with Jolla Store rules, I include all required "non-standard" libraries
> into /usr/share of the program. This seems to upset rpmlint a great deal,
> as in
> harbour-osmscout-server-module-route.i486: E: library-without-ldconfig-postun 
> (Badness: 300) 
> /usr/share/harbour-osmscout-server-module-route/lib/
> Any idea how to get rpmlint skip those "errors" and publish the package?
> Best wishes,
> Rinigus
> On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 11:57 PM, rinigus <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been able to follow your advice and all worked quite nicely.
>> However, one particular package - mapnik - has issues with fetching the
>> sources. The _service is configured to fetch package using tar_git from
>> . I presume its due to the size of
>> the submoduled repo (160MB). Anyway, I am getting *Sources could not be
>> expanded: service daemon error: rpc timeout *from the friendly OBS
>> builders. Do I hit some preconfigured OBS limits? Would love to avoid
>> dumping Mapnik code in particular version to some additional repo for
>> avoiding the limits (as well as uploading mapnik separately in tar.gz).
>> Maybe someone next to OBS tuning knobs can help me out?
>> Additional question, what's max RAM consumption on compiling nodes?
>> Mapnik has required me to increase SDK virtual machine RAM allocation
>> significantly.
>> Best  wishes,
>> Rinigus
>> On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 10:54 AM, rinigus <> wrote:
>>> Андрей and Andrew,
>>> thank you for the tips! I think I can manage now (or will be back with
>>> the questions).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rinigus
>>> On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 10:36 AM, Andrew Branson <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On 26/07/17 09:24, rinigus wrote:
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> >
>>>> > I am working on getting ported packages to OBS and facing few
>>>> problems,
>>>> > as probably most of the beginners do. Maybe someone here can help me
>>>> out?
>>>> >
>>>> > Problem 1: I have a bunch of packages that have external source and
>>>> rpm
>>>> > spec written in a small separate project. Let's take rrdtool as an
>>>> > example with my github repo .
>>>> Its
>>>> > spec contains source as a full URL. Now, I would like to download it
>>>> > from that URL by OBS either during building or as a part of its
>>>> > _service. Unfortunately, unlike in several other CI servers, network
>>>> > seems to be disabled. So, the snippet in RPM as
>>>> >
>>>> > %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
>>>> > curl -O %{REMSOURCE0}
>>>> > tar zxvf rrdtool-1.5.6.tar.gz --strip-components=1
>>>> >
>>>> > doesn't work (ifconfig returns only loopback device). We also don't
>>>> have
>>>> > download_files among allowed _service APIs, as returned by osc api
>>>> > /service. Maybe this can be enabled on OBS? As far as I understand, it
>>>> > should download all sources specified in the spec file. Personally, I
>>>> > find it rather disturbing putting .tar.gz into github project and
>>>> would
>>>> > prefer getting the upstream package from the upstream source.
>>>> We reference external sources as git submodules. The 'tar_git' service
>>>> will clone those along with your main repo. Our basic pattern is this plus
>>>> patch files in the rpm folder to apply any specific changes we need.
>>>> Here's an example:
>>>> And the _service file:
>>>> > Problem 2: When creating package from github source (like for proj.4
>>>> in
>>>> > my case), I get as a version of packaged RPM the version that I
>>>> > specified together with (what looks like) git's latest commit
>>>> signature
>>>> > together with the corresponding branch name leading to package names
>>>> > like
>>>> > proj-4.9.3+sailfish.2017072604 <(201)%20707-2604>
>>>> 2718.6.ge9a0f09-10.20.1.jolla.armv7hl.rpm . How can I make it shorter
>>>> to proj-4.9.3.armv7hl.rpm ?
>>>> OBS takes the version string from the latest git tag. Create a tag with
>>>> your desired version string, e.g. '4.9.3'. You can copy this behaviour in
>>>> mb2 with the '-x' switch.
>>>> Hope that helps,
>>>> Andrew
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