Hi Zoltan,

I'd be interested in trying to get this working in Ubuntu Touch apps. It
would be easier if it was pure QML though, is there anything in the C++
code that couldn't be done in Javascript?

Michael Hall

On 05/30/2016 02:48 PM, Zoltán Lutor wrote:
> I've progressed with implementing an open source wrapper for Vserv
> RESTful advertisement API in QML. Quote from API description:
>     Vserv provides a simple HTTP based API to publishers/developers and
>     other ad networks, etc. to fetch ads for mobile sites or mobile
>     applications. The mobile device / server makes a HTTP request to
>     Vserv Marketplace server with the required parameters and in
>     response receives the ad in JSON format. This single API integration
>     gives you the flexibility to fetch banner/ full screen / rich media ads.
> Available implementation is in pre-beta phase - quite majority of
> functionality works but there is still room for improvement.
> Since I'm not so experienced in this area of sw development - and
> especially newbie in Sailfish native development - */I would like to ask
> some help from the community in finishing it/*.
> It would be a general purpose QML wrapper around the API with necessary
> tailoring is needed for Sailfish - e.g. Webkit vs. WebView, etc. Maybe
> separate git branches are needed for different implementation(?) - I'm
> open for any reasonable proposal.
> Is there anybody willing to join? Reviewing, commenting - and of course,
> coding is more than welcome. [This is my first open source project, so
> comment from this aspect is welcome, too.]
> API descrption is here
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/139TRSTV33tLxKxbew4yPTPF4uc8PZJPiRkxyo9GymIE/edit>,
> code repository is in BitBucket
> <https://bitbucket.org/zlutor/qml-wrapper-for-vserv-http-ad-api>
> Br,
> Zoltan
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