Oh, I assumed you install Android app in a chrooted Android environment
which implies an Android kernel.
I confess than I'm a bit disapointed to discover this, because I wanted
to install Sailfish either on the Neo900 or on a good Android phone with
a physical keyboard for having an interresting OS/device with the
possibility to install Android apps when there is not equivalent.

Thank you, now I have a better understanding of how it works.

On 06/04/2015 14:54, Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:
> Sailfish is Jolla UI over Mer with Wayland Lipstick windows manager. It
> runs on normal Linux kernel. Android adaptations using libhybris.
> If you can run Nemo on your device you can just add/replace Jolla
> repositories and "install" sailfish on it.
> You will not have possibility to install android apps until someone will
> create open android launcher or Jolla start licensing aliendalvik for
> non-Jolla devices.
> 06.04.2015 17:48, Schifano Alexandre пишет:
>> Hi,
>> Still about a Neo900 support, I have an other question :
>> As far as I understand, basically Sailfish is Mer (Wayland version) with
>> the Jolla UI, and with an Android kernel and libhybris. So if I am able
>> to have Nemo running rightly on a N(eo)900 with Wayland, I will be able
>> to run Sailfish apps ? And if I am able to do it with an Android kernel
>> and libhybris, I will be able to have it working with the possibility to
>> install Android apps ?
>> Best regards
>> On 05/04/2015 08:12, Schifano Alexandre wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm very interrested by Sailfish OS, however I'm also very interrested
>>> by the Neo900. This smartphone is a modified Nokia N900, with a TI
>>> DM3730 1 GHz processor (Cortex-A8 with ARMv7-A instructions, mono-core)
>>> and 1GB of RAM (more here : http://neo900.org/specs). Do you think
>>> Sailfish will be able to run smoothly on it ? Will you support the
>>> Neo900 and allowing users to install your OS on it ?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Alexandre Schifano
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