I think it's fine, the N900 resistive screen seems to be enougth
accurate for gestures. It is mor accurate than other smartphones with
resistive screens.

On 05/04/2015 14:59, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
> Though on the one hand I would also love to give my n900 another lease
> on life it seems to me that sailfish and/or meego would not work very
> well on the n900 or the neo900 since the resistive touch screen used
> would make all the gestures as pretty major pain in the backside to
> use.... (even though I tend to agree with the argument that resistive
> touch has the potential to be better, and for certain use cases is
> definitely better I have yet to see a real product that uses superior
> resistive touch technology - stantum showed impressive prototypes 5-6
> years ago, but I never saw it in a real product).
> Regards,
> Eli
> 2015-04-05 9:18 GMT+03:00 Brenda Fernández <m...@brendafernandez.com
> <mailto:m...@brendafernandez.com>>:
>     I'm not very convinced the Neo900 will ever become a reality. :(
>     On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 3:12 AM, Schifano Alexandre
>     <schif...@polytech.unice.fr <mailto:schif...@polytech.unice.fr>> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         I'm very interrested by Sailfish OS, however I'm also very
>         interrested
>         by the Neo900. This smartphone is a modified Nokia N900, with a TI
>         DM3730 1 GHz processor (Cortex-A8 with ARMv7-A instructions,
>         mono-core)
>         and 1GB of RAM (more here : http://neo900.org/specs). Do you think
>         Sailfish will be able to run smoothly on it ? Will you support the
>         Neo900 and allowing users to install your OS on it ?
>         Best regards,
>         Alexandre Schifano
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