Hello Everyone, I've started developing for Jolla today, I am quite familiarez with the Qt/C++ language but not enough with the QML part.
I am trying to create a simple (and quite stupid) application which would simply play a Whip sound by clicking on the icon and whiping the phone. Maybe in later versions I would make it more... well.. usefull but until that day I am just trying to learn. So here is my code right now : import QtQuick 2.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import QtMultimedia 5.0 ApplicationWindow { MouseArea { width : parent.width height : parent.height Image { id : whipImg; source : "qrc:/img/resources/images/whipImg.png" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter : parent.verticalCenter } onClicked : { whipSound.stop() whipSound.play() } Audio { id : whipSound loops : Audio.Infinite source:"qrc:/sounds/resources/sounds/whipSound.flac" } } } And I have a problem with this. The song plays one time by taping on the picture (the song is a .flac file with 1second long of audio), and after that if I press the picture again it simply doesn't play. How can I solve this problem ? Best Regards Everyone !
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