On 15/04/14 19:39, Martin Kolman wrote:
>> A quick look at the bottom of the Wikipedia entry for Swype confirms
>> my suspicion... (2 US patents). :-(
> Well, they look like to be US patents - so considering the Jolla is not
> even sold in the USA & it would be an external application anyway, I
> don't really see any issue.

Well, I wouldn't want the Jolla team to find themselves in hot water for
distributing unlicensed functionality on the Harbour site. Nor the
external application developer for implementing and publishing it, maybe
even for a fee. Since Swype made a US patent, and their product is
distributed worldwide, I would expect to find some European patents too
(not being listed on Wikipedia is not authoritative evidence of
non-existence). Anyway, this is non-expert handwaving. If there is a
legal way to get something Swype-like on the Jolla, it would be great.


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