On 24 Mar 2014, at 22:24, Ragnar Kurm <rag...@waalaskala.com> wrote:

>> flickable.contentHeight: column.height
> Thank you Andrei,
> but it does not help :(
> I assumed that your code was meant like this:
> SilicaFlickable { contentHeight: column.height; Column { id: column ...} }
> Even when set explicitly
> SilicaFlickable { contentY: 0 ... }
> still get the loop.
> I wonder how/where to debug this?
> This did not help me either:
> SailfishOS/mersdk/targets/SailfishOS-i486-x86/usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/SilicaFlickable.qml
> No mention of contentY, which loops.
> Thank you,
> Ragnar
>>> I'm experiencing the same in a slightly different context (a SilicaListView 
>>> with a ContextMenu dynamically created and on shown after a long press on 
>>> each ListItem delegate). To me it seems related to the ContextMenu item, 
>>> when it becomes visible and it pushes down the content below.
>>> Hello,
>>> I have problems with an error:
>>> Test.qml:7: QML SilicaFlickable: Binding loop detected for property 
>>> "contentY"
>>> What do I miss?
>>> Ragnar
>>> import QtQuick 2.0
>>> import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
>>> Dialog {
>>>     id: dialog
>>>     SilicaFlickable {
>>>         Column {
>>>             ComboBox {
>>>                 label: "Label"
>>>                 width: dialog.width
>>>                 menu: ContextMenu {
>>>                     width: dialog.width
>>>                     MenuItem { text: "Item 1" }
>>>                 }
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>> }

a) give the flickable a valid geometry, and
b) specify the content size.

J-P Nurmi

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