flickable.contentHeight: column.height
24.03.2014 15:14, Luca Donaggio ?????:
I'm experiencing the same in a slightly different context (a
SilicaListView with a ContextMenu dynamically created and on shown
after a long press on each ListItem delegate). To me it seems related
to the ContextMenu item, when it becomes visible and it pushes down
the content below.
On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 12:11 PM, Ragnar Kurm <rag...@waalaskala.com
<mailto:rag...@waalaskala.com>> wrote:
I have problems with an error:
Test.qml:7: QML SilicaFlickable: Binding loop detected for
property "contentY"
What do I miss?
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
Dialog {
id: dialog
SilicaFlickable {
Column {
ComboBox {
label: "Label"
width: dialog.width
menu: ContextMenu {
width: dialog.width
MenuItem { text: "Item 1" }
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