thanks a lot.
Your link and this one:
has working hints on what packages must be installed and how to make
QtContacts work.
If someone else needs this here is my way of QtContacts enabling:
ssh to mer build engine: ssh -p 2222 -i
/opt/SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/engine/root root@localhost
install a package with: zypper in qt5-qtdeclarative-pim-contacts
Select the Sailfish-Icon on the QtCreator toolbar.
Select Targets -> SailfishOS-i486-x86 -> manage -> sync
On the emulator select settings and set a password for the ssh connection.
ssh to the emulator: ssh -p 2223 nemo@localhost <enter the
Install the same package: sudo pkcon install qt5-qtdeclarative-pim-contacts
Restart both VMs. I don't know if this last step is neccessary, but
after I have done it the error message si gone
and ContactModel is a vailid type.
Thanks again !
Am 21.12.2013 22:14, schrieb christopher.l...@thurweb.ch:
Hi Matthias
As the error says, QtContacts is not installed.
Try this article on tips on how to install to the SDK and Emulator
It focuses on Location and Positioning, but is the methods used are
relevant for QtContacts as well.
The first thing is to establish what is already installed.
For the SDK, the easiest way for a newbie is via the SDK Control
Center, which is available via the Sailfish icon on the left of the
QtCreator screen.
On the Emulator, once connected via SSH, you can search for contacts
modules with
pkcon search name contacts
I have several contacts modules installed on my Emulator, but then I
have been experimenting with contacts, and will have installed some of
these myself.
Once you have the correct modules installed to the SDK and Emulator
(and synced with QtCreator), then you should be able to use QtContacts
from both C++ and QML.
Zitat von "Matthias Barmeier" <barme...@barmeier.com>:
the include error is fixed, but now I am back to my old problem:
[W] unknown:33 - file:///usr/share/test/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml:33:1:
module "QtContacts" is not installed
import QtContacts 5.0
my QML:
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import QtContacts 5.0
Page {
id: page
my test.cpp:
#include <QtQuick>
#include <sailfishapp.h>
#include <QtContacts/QtContacts>
What else must I do ?
Am 21.12.2013 14:36, schrieb Andrey Kozhevnikov:
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/qt5/QtContacts
to pro file
On 21.12.2013 18:44, Matthias Barmeier wrote:
I added the CONFIG line to my project file. And added the include
to my .cpp file, but got this.
Fehler:qcontactsglobal.h: No such file or directory
This file is availables under:
I try to use QtContacts from qml ist this possible ?
Am 21.12.2013 13:04, schrieb Andrey Kozhevnikov:
add it to pro file CONFIG += Qt5Contacts
and then include in Qt <QtContacs/...>
On 21.12.2013 18:02, Matthias Barmeier wrote:
I am new to SailfishOS coming from Harmattan. How can I add this
module ?
Is there any Dev Introduction available on how to add modules or
which modules are available ?
Am 21.12.2013 12:59, schrieb Andrey Kozhevnikov:
its Qt5Contacts module
On 21.12.2013 17:58, Matthias Barmeier wrote:
is QtContacts available for SDK emulator or Device ? And if it
is available where and how can I get it ?
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