On 13.12.2013 18:32, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:

I upgraded the SDK on my Mac with today's release.

However the build of my current project now fails with:

Problem: nothing provides libgudev-1.0.so.0 needed by upower-0.9.21+git1-1.1.1.i486
 Solution 1: do not install telepathy-ring-devel-2.3.12-1.7.1.i486
Solution 2: break upower-0.9.21+git1-1.1.1.i486 by ignoring some of its dependencies


looks like the package repositories have not been fully refreshed in your SDK. The telepathy-ring-devel version in the latest repository is telepathy-ring-devel-2.3.16-1.7.1.i486.rpm

I just tested it on my Mac and verified that I can install telepathy-ring-devel.

The Build Engine should refresh its repositories five minutes after it has been started. Could you reboot the MerSDK build engine and wait about 10 minutes, then try building again.

Maybe something in the upgrade went wrong, it is recommended to first remove the old SDK and then install the "1312" version from a new installer.

Best regards,

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