Hello, Le lundi 02 décembre 2013, dcali...@free.fr a écrit : > which would give after pressing it (like the shift key): > à|w|é > shift|æ|è| > Fn|ç|ù > > Are my explanations clearer ? What piece of code should I give a look > at to add a key that acts like the shift key by changing the layout > of the whole keyboard (once if pressed once or locked if pressed > twice) ? Ok, maybe I was not clear so I made a small working QML mockup. Can anyone would tell me how to implement this in a Maliit plugin so it would replace the current French layout ?
Press the "up" button near to capslock button to obtain the alternative layout. I didn't implement the triple states (none, once, locked) of capslock and the new altgr button (only none and once states), but the idea is here ! Please help ! Damien. PS : the position of the different letters in the alternative layout is just an idea.
import QtQuick 2.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 ApplicationWindow { initialPage: page Page { id: page Column { PageHeader { title: "Useless keyboard" } Row { BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? fn.highlighted ? "Ã" : "A" : fn.highlighted ? "à " : "a"; id: "kbd_a" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_a.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "Z" : "z"; id: "kbd_z" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_z.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? fn.highlighted ? "Ã" : "E" : fn.highlighted ? "é" : "e"; id: "kbd_e" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_e.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? fn.highlighted ? "Ã" : "R" : fn.highlighted ? "è" : "r"; id: "kbd_r" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_r.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? fn.highlighted ? "Ã" : "T" : fn.highlighted ? "ê" : "t"; id: "kbd_t" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_t.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "Y" : "y"; id: "kbd_y" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_y.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? fn.highlighted ? "Ã" : "U" : fn.highlighted ? "ù" : "u"; id: "kbd_u" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_u.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? fn.highlighted ? "Ã" : "I" : fn.highlighted ? "î" : "i"; id: "kbd_i" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_i.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? fn.highlighted ? "Ã" : "O" : fn.highlighted ? "ô" : "o"; id: "kbd_o" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_o.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "P" : "p"; id: "kbd_p" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_p.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } } Row { BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "Q" : "q"; id: "kbd_q" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_q.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "S" : "s"; id: "kbd_s" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_s.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? fn.highlighted ? "Ã" : "D" : fn.highlighted ? "ë" : "d"; id: "kbd_d" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_d.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "F" : "f"; id: "kbd_f" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_f.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "G" : "g"; id: "kbd_g" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_g.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "H" : "h"; id: "kbd_h" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_h.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "J" : "j"; id: "kbd_j" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_j.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? fn.highlighted ? "Ã" : "K" : fn.highlighted ? "ï" : "k"; id: "kbd_k" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_k.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "L" : "l"; id: "kbd_l" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_l.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "M" : "m"; id: "kbd_m" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_m.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } } Row { IconButton { width: page.width / 10.; icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-capslock"; id: "caps" onClicked: { highlighted = !highlighted } } IconButton { width: page.width / 10.; icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-up"; id: "fn" onClicked: { highlighted = !highlighted} } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "W" : "w"; id: "kbd_w" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_w.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "X" : "x"; id: "kbd_x" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_x.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? fn.highlighted ? "Ã" : "C" : fn.highlighted ? "ç" : "c"; id: "kbd_c" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_c.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "V" : "v"; id: "kbd_v" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_v.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "B" : "b"; id: "kbd_b" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_b.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } BackgroundItem { width: page.width / 10.; Label { text: caps.highlighted ? "N" : "n"; id: "kbd_n" } onClicked: { test.text += kbd_n.text; caps.highlighted = false; fn.highlighted = false } } IconButton { width: page.width / 5.; icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-backspace"; id: "kbd_back" } } Label { id: test font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeLarge color: Theme.highlightColor anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } Label { text: "please type on the useless keyboard" } } } }
#include <sailfishapp/sailfishapp.h> Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return SailfishApp::main(argc, argv); }
TEMPLATE = app TARGET = ukbd DEPENDPATH += . INCLUDEPATH += . CONFIG += link_pkgconfig PKGCONFIG += sailfishapp QT += qml quick packagesExist(qdeclarative5-boostable) { DEFINES += HAS_BOOSTER PKGCONFIG += qdeclarative5-boostable } else { warning("qdeclarative-boostable not available; startup times will be slower") } isEmpty(PREFIX) { PREFIX = /usr } DEPLOYMENT_PATH = $$PREFIX/share/$$TARGET SOURCES += ukbd.cpp
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