
   Sorry for the double posting, I messup with my emails, please prefer
to use this one when replying to me…

   I'm wondering after using the virtual keyboard in the emulator if
typing accents will be convenient or not.

   Currently, it seems to me that accents are reachable by a long press
on the letter then, by clicking on the accented one (e.g. long press on
"e" then one can choose "é", "è", "ê"…).

   I don't like much long press because it breaks the typing flow. In
French we have a lot of accents that have a meaning ("même" is same,
but "mémé" is grandma, while "meme" is nothing), so one can imagine
that typing "mémé" will be long, quick press on "m", long press on "e",
quick press on "é"…

   On the N900, the hardware keyboard uses a compose key, or fn key, I
don't knwo how to call it. It works like the "shift" key, one quick
press and next quick press will be for the alternative symbol of the
key. Two quick press on the fn key, and keyboard is locked for
alternative symbols. Very convenient. I can type grandma ("mémé") very
quickly, by doing a quick press on "m", a quick press "fn" and a quick
press on "l" (which has the "é" as alternative symbol)… So, with only
quick press I'm typing words very quickly like that, without rythm

   So, would it be possible to add a compose key to the Maliit keyboard
layout of Nemo/Sailfish, that would act like the shift key ? Currently
after a quick press on the shift key, the layout changes to capitals.
I imagine a quick press on this compose key, and the layout would switch
to alternate symbols, displaying all the funny French (or Vietnamese or
else) symbols like é, à, ç, ù, É, À…

   I try to read the Maliit documentation, or give a look to
configuration files on the emulator, but I went nowhere. Can someone
who's expert on Maliit can give me some pointers on how to do this ?
I'm not afraid with writing code if any or recompile things, or even
need to use my own plugin if not accepted upstream.

   Thanks for advicing me,

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