Hi Bolek
I also have nothing direct to do with Jolla, I am just a developer
like you, but it is still a pleasure to help and to puzzle out how
things work.
I agree with much of what you say; but I think we should not forget
that the Alpha is just that, an Alpha. That means that not everything
is perfectly documented, and somethings that probably will be bundled
in the final release will be currently missing or in a
work-in-progress state.
I suspect that when real Sailfish hardware becomes available, with a
real GPS built in, then all the required Qt Positioning and Location
stuff will be pre-bundled. It could be argued that on an Emulator
there is not much use for it ...
The situation is also not helped by the fact that QtMobility is in a
state of flux between 4.8 and 5.x, with some sub-modules / components
popping up elsewhere, and with others completely missing in action
(e.g. Messaging). I guess that the root cause for this is the
withdrawal of Nokia from the Qt camp.
Zitat von tw_bolek <tw_bo...@op.pl>:
First of all, thank you very much for your help.
However.... is there any valid reason why it is so complicated?
Positioning is probably one of the most frequently used functions in
smartphone applications. I'd understand that some 3rd party or less
important modules are not included by default but Positioning...? It
should be included by default....
Not every developer is familiar with all these complicated
procedures of installing additional packages. And on Windows it
probably isn't as easy as on Linux. I want to focus on developing
apps and not on configuring the SDK to be able to use the most basic
functions... If I want to use something extra then I'm ready for it
requiring additional steps, but as basic thing as positioning should
have been included by default...
If it's due to Qt5.x not yet being complete, maybe Jolla should have
sticked to Qt4.8 (or at least used both) until Qt5.2 comes out and
Many thanks for your time and support, anyway!
Best regards,
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