Hi Bolek
In my last post I hinted that my example yaml / spectacle file worked,
but was not perfect.
This evening on the train I was able to experiment further. I am now
home, with a roast chicken bubbling in the oven, and a glass of cold
white Rioja next to me, so I have time to post the results (but the
chicken will need turning soon ...)
My example app is the default Sailfish app, with a PositionSource
element added to the FirstPage.qml as below:
import QtPositioning 5.0
Page {
id: page
Component.onCompleted: positionSource.start()
PositionSource {
id: positionSource
?.other stuff here
I then changed entries in the PkgConfigBR and PkgBR sections. Between
each test I used the SDK Control Center to remove all Positioning
packages from the SDK, and synced with Qt Creator. Also after each
build I repeated the sync.
These are the tests and the results:
1) No positioning entries in PkgConfigBR or PkgBR (QML only project)
Code compiles and runs without error, but Qt Creator QML does not
recognise import or components
--> QML Positioning development possible but painful, C++ not possible.
2) Positioning entry in PkgBR only
This actually installs the following 2 packages:
After build, and SDK Control Center sync (and Qt Creator
Tools/QML/Reset Code Model), Qt Creator QML now recognises import
statement and Positioning Components (now coloured purple).
--> Good for QML Positioning development, not ok for C++.
3) Positioning entry in PkgConfigBR only:
This actually installs the following 2 packages:
Code compiles and runs without error, but Qt Creator QML does not
recognise import or Positioning components (as in case 1) above).
4) 2 Positioning entries in PkgBR, no Positioning Entry in PKConfigBR
This actually installs the following 3 packages
After build, and SDK Control Center sync (and Qt Creator
Tools/QML/Reset Code Model, Qt Creator QML now recognises import
statement, and Positioning Components.
--> Good for both QML and C++ Positioning development
The config of test 2) above is good for QML only development with Positioning.
The config of test 3) above is good for C++ Positioning development only.
The config of test 4) above is good for both QML and C++ Positioning
Later I will experiment with the yaml Requires: section (for the
Emulator), and post the results.
I hope this helps
Zitat von tw_bolek <tw_bo...@op.pl>:
Hi Chris,
So the import we need is Import QtPositioning 5.0
Unfortunately, "QtPositioning 5.0" gives "QML module not found" and
it is underlined in red in QtCreator... Adding QT += positioning
to the .pro file does not change anything. There is no trace of
"QtPositioning" in sailfishos/mersdk/targets/.../usr/lib/qt5,
neither for arm nor for x86 (emulator).
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