Hi, On 29.08.2013 16:22, Wim de Vries wrote:
Hi all, After quitting the app, very often, the cover is still there (sometimes garbled). It works ok when the shutDown function is called from the pull-down menu.
yes, that is a know bug. We call it the "dead cover bug". I think just this morning it got fixed (verification pending).
So it shold be fixed in one of the future release of the SDK. br Reto
(MyesNoDialog is used as a message Dialog). QML: Page.. if (saveFailed) { var errorDialog = pageStack.push("MyesNoDialog.qml", {text : "FATAL ERROR: CANNOT SAVE.\nSHUTTING DOWN\n"}) errorDialog.accepted.connect( function() { myqquickview.shutDown() }) errorDialog.rejected.connect( function() { myqquickview.shutDown() }) } C++ (myqquickview): void MyQQuickView::shutDown() { qWarning() << "shutting down"; close(); } Thanks. _______________________________________________ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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