Hi Eric,

On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 02:34:17 +0800
Eric Chan <eeeeeeeeccccc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Steph,
>   I see in this WIKI have install Sailfish SDK emulator on HP mini, can be 
> used in general Linux device?
> Cheers,
> Eric

The emulator in the Sailfish SDK can be extracted, copied and modified
tol boot on other x86 devices but 'general' functionality will be
(very) limited: the purpose of the emulator is to let developers
test/debug their applications so it doesn't (yet) include any other
applications:- no browser, file manager etc.

Sailfish is built upon Nemo and Mer, and it is from these projects that
Sailfish inherits the cross-platform libraries/runtimes and the
emulator. Nemo already has most of the common apps and as such would be
a better fit if you were wanting to install it on an x86 netbook etc.

Hope that helps,


Steph Gosling <st...@chuci.org>
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

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