Hello Chris,

The article from Thomas Perl that you linked basically identify all the 
challenge of that kind of migration (that is also a problem for migration to 
eg BB10).

If you are doing a "pure" Qt app, then the C++ / Qt code should be the same 
(maybe only adaptation in main). If you use PySide, it is the same idea, 
python code should work out of the box, and might only need a different 

But the GUI is another problem. Sailfish GUI is very different from other 
mobiles platforms, like the fact that it is missing (eg) a toolbar. It also 
offers some facilities (pickers, base for clickable entry etc.)

If your project is very big, the best idea is the one of thp's blog post. But 
if the GUI is rather easy to replicate, maybe you should maintain two GUI, one 
written in QML / MeeGo components, and the other one with QML / Sailfish 
Silica. This way is the optimal one since it allows "perfect" GUI, without 
compromise, in all the platforms.

Writing QML can be quickly done, so if the GUI is simple enough, then you can 
rewrite your GUI with Sailfish Silica, I don't think that it will be a huge 
loss of time.


Le mardi 9 avril 2013 21:38:24 christopher.l...@thurweb.ch a écrit :
> Hi All
> I am in the process of migrating my current Harmattan project to SailfishOS.
> The goal is (at least initially) to achieve a "minimum effort"
> migration to get my project running on both platforms from a common
> code base. (Later, when Sailfish devices are commercially available I
> can then do a full native migration and dump the Harmattan side).
> So my question is: are there any recommended best practices out there
> to achieve such a "minimum effort / common code base" migration?
> I have found this suggestion which I am currently digesting:
> http://thpmaemo.blogspot.ch/2013/03/porting-harmattan-apps-to-sailfish.html
> Challenges that I have so far identified are:
> 1) The Harmattan SDK by default installed Qt packages that are
> optional in the Mer / SailfishOS SDK: This does not worry me too much,
> I think I should be able to identify the ones relative to my project
> quickly enough.
> 2) A Harmattan project (like mine) is very likely to use Qt Objects
> from the package "com.nokia.meego 1.0"
> Is it possible to install this package on Sailfish? If so how?
> Or do I need to replace these Harmattan specific components? e.g. with
> generic Qt components common to both platforms? / custom component? /
> system of wrappers? xxxx?
> Thanks
> Chris
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