Hi All

I am in the process of migrating my current Harmattan project to SailfishOS.

The goal is (at least initially) to achieve a "minimum effort" migration to get my project running on both platforms from a common code base. (Later, when Sailfish devices are commercially available I can then do a full native migration and dump the Harmattan side).

So my question is: are there any recommended best practices out there to achieve such a "minimum effort / common code base" migration?

I have found this suggestion which I am currently digesting:


Challenges that I have so far identified are:

1) The Harmattan SDK by default installed Qt packages that are optional in the Mer / SailfishOS SDK: This does not worry me too much, I think I should be able to identify the ones relative to my project quickly enough. 2) A Harmattan project (like mine) is very likely to use Qt Objects from the package "com.nokia.meego 1.0"
Is it possible to install this package on Sailfish? If so how?
Or do I need to replace these Harmattan specific components? e.g. with generic Qt components common to both platforms? / custom component? / system of wrappers? xxxx?



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