
Dagobert Michelsen wrote:
> Hi Riccardo,
> Am 13.05.2020 um 14:50 schrieb Riccardo Mottola <rmott...@opencsw.org>:
>> I checked and configure looks to have this "change" of case statements,
>> some of them come even fron configure.in itself.
> Yes. So unless you want to work with upstream and fix this the easiest
> way it to just invoke configure with bash. I have commited this to GAR,
> please update and after that it should run cleanly.
> Running bootstrap with auto* again is way too heavy unless you really
> need to adjust configure.in or configure.am as this is usually non-trivial
> due to tight version dependencies

I understand. Also I checked, it is not just a matter of re-running
autoconf, but patching some files too.
It was not a single change, it is a full "style change" in the scripts.
I wonder why.. hate it :-P

I'll bite your solution, didn't know there was this trick in place. At
the end, important to get the package done, this is just an issue
building it, no end-user impact.

Thanks a lot!.


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