Excerpts from Ben Walton's message of Fri Aug 19 21:30:46 -0400 2011:

> > 3. Only the pkgname changes (CSWfoodev/foo_dev → CSWfoo-dev/foo_dev)
> This should be handled by an update operation.  As things are keyed on
> the catalog name, a change (based on version comparison) will trigger
> a refresh of file list, maintainer name, etc.  Mantis cares not about
> package name so that won't be a problem.

Coding tests against this, I think that this should actually be an
error.  I'm labelling it SilentNameChange.

In a situation like above, there is no transition of the old package
to the new one.  We would normally expect:

foo_dev/CSWfoodev -> (foo_dev_stub/CSWfoodev, foo_dev/CSWfoo-dev).

The current routine is to scan the catalog diff for /_stub$/ and then
process those first.  We'd find foo_dev_stub, see it delivering
CSWfoodev and find CSWfoodev in the old catalog, see that it's called
foo_dev and remove foo_dev from the catalog diff, storing it as a

Does anyone think that case three should _not_ be an error?

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

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