Excerpts from Maciej Bliziński's message of Fri Aug 19 07:34:55 -0400 2011:

> 1. Both pkgname and catalogname change, e.g. CSWfoodev/foodev →
> CSWfoo-dev/foo_dev
> 2. Only the catalogname changes (CSWfoo-dev/foodev → >
> CSWfoo-dev/foo_dev)

As far as the catalog diff engine is concerned, both of these are the
same.  They'll appear as the drop of one package and the addition of a
new one.  The special case of _stub packages is handled in the pseudo
code.  The general case would require doing a reverse index of package
names.  The _stub handling rename detection could be extended to:

* Build a package to catalog map, based on previous catalog, of every
  package we're going to alter.
* Do the same for the new catalog.
* Iterate through new packages and see if the package name exists in
  the old catalog.
* If we 'hit' in the index, add [p, q] to the rename list and remove
  them from the new and remove lists.

We'd still want to filter stubs to a separate list first as those
packages shouldn't be displayed in the web db or mantis.

> 3. Only the pkgname changes (CSWfoodev/foo_dev → CSWfoo-dev/foo_dev)

This should be handled by an update operation.  As things are keyed on
the catalog name, a change (based on version comparison) will trigger
a refresh of file list, maintainer name, etc.  Mantis cares not about
package name so that won't be a problem.


Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

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