Hi Ben,

Am 16.04.2009 um 15:24 schrieb Ben Walton:
Excerpts from Dagobert Michelsen's message of Thu Apr 16 09:11:58 -0400 2009:
No. If a package is build with GAR it must be fully checked in or it
will not be released.

Does that not preclude people from building on their own farms if
they're not a maintainer and then contributing the work back?  Since
the repo is public, anyone could checkout GAR and build a package.
GAR might have the SVN stuff, but their local package description
might not.  Would we refuse to release a package in this case?

Yes. If the package is going to be officially released under
OpenCSW he must become a maintainer and contribute his work back.

[My own feeling is that we'd simply request that they open a
maintainer account and commit the source in that case, but since we
don't even force the use of GAR/svn within the existing maintainer
base, this may seem heavy handed.]

We don't force it on long-time maintainers who already have
potentially complex build processed on their own. For new
maintainers GAR is, umh, strongly recommended. Releasable
packages must be build on the buildfarm anyway.

Best regards

  -- Dago

PS: I guess you should post on maintainers@ next time as
devel@ doesn't seem to be read widely due to commit mails.
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