Excerpts from Dagobert Michelsen's message of Thu Apr 16 02:46:28 -0400 2009:

> Almost perfect ;-) SPKG_PKGFILE contains many %-expansions from
> environment variables passed. We can set all these directly without
> the need of deep-passing values into mkpackage:
> {SPKG_OSNAME}-%{arch}-CSW$(if $(findstring UNCOM,$(SPKG_PSTAMP)),- 
> (SPKG_OSNAME)-%{arch}-CSW$(if $(findstring UNCOM,$(SPKG_PSTAMP)),- 

I had thought about this as well.  I decided to leave it all for
mkpackage, as I didn't see that it was hugely wasteful (a little, yes).

> One more thing: SPKG_PSTAMP contains the value of $(_REVISION), and
> there are more fault values: UNCOMMITTED, NOTVERSIONED (svn found,
> but not added to the repository) and NOSVN (no subversion
> installed). This should do it $(filter $(SPKG_PSTAMP),UNCOMMITTED

I had considered this also, but chose the path I did because in both
the NOSVN and NOTVERSIONED case, I didn't think that flagging the
package file name was appropriate.  If someone builds packages with
GAR, but outside of the svn tree, would we release a package with the
NOTVERSIONED or NOSVN tags?  If so, I'd say that CSW is still the best
choice.  I'm not fussy either way though.

Thanks for putting up with my patch parade! :)
Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

GPG Key Id: 8E89F6D2; Key Server: pgp.mit.edu
Contact me to arrange for a CAcert assurance meeting.

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