Hi Glen,

Am 07.04.2009 um 06:05 schrieb Glen Gunselman:

I the collection process running on the master and one client.

That means you have applied something like this?

--- /opt/csw/bin/start_orcallator.orig 2009-04-07 09:21:13.991714686 +0200 +++ /opt/csw/bin/start_orcallator 2009-04-07 09:21:27.598788701 +0200
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@

 # Now start the logging.
 echo "Starting logging"
-nohup $SE $SE_PATCHES -DWATCH_OS $WATCH_WEB -I$libdir/SE/$SE_VERSION $libdir/orcallator.se & +nohup $SE $SE_PATCHES -DWATCH_OS $WATCH_WEB $libdir/orca/ orcallator.se &

 # Write the PID of orcallator to a file to make killing easier.

Then you should have statistics data like this coming in:

build8s-dam# ls -l /var/opt/csw/orca/orcallator/build8s-dam/
total 11
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 7137 Apr 7 09:20 orcallator-2009-04-07-000
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other          1 Apr  7 09:01 orcallator.pid

Copy these from the clients to the host doing the graphing e. g. via rsync.

When I run Orca I get the following:

/opt/csw/bin/orca -v /opt/csw/etc/orca_services.cfg

Are you collecting data for services? If you run orcallator.se you must run
  /opt/csw/bin/orca -v /opt/csw/etc/orcallator.cfg
to generate the graphs for the collected data.

Updating PNGs.
Sleeping at Mon Apr  6 22:07:31 2009 until Mon Apr  6 22:07:32 2009.
Current running time is 5:34 minutes.
Loading new data from group orca_services for sysa.
Updating PNGs.
Sleeping at Mon Apr  6 22:07:33 2009 until Mon Apr  6 22:13:01 2009.
^CCurrent running time is 11:02 minutes.
/opt/csw/bin/orca: caught signal INT.

At this point the web page contains the headers and trailers plus the table(s) with the two servers but no graphs.

Do not stop the process, start it in background and make sure the data
from the collection hosts is transferred regularly to /var/opt/csw/ orca/orcallator.
Then the webpages should be updated.

Unless you have a magic bullet I'm ready to throw in the towel.

If I had any obligation to test CSW packages, I feel that I've proven that it's beyond me. I invested a couple of weeks trying but don't really have anything to show for it.

Thank you very much for your commitment. I apologize for not
having enough time to build a proper releasable package of Orca
right now. My day is currently stuffed with private things and
work-related stuff and the little remaining spare time is needed
for work on the build system itself.

Best regards

  -- Dago
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