I the collection process running on the master and one client.
When I run Orca I get the following:
/opt/csw/bin/orca -v /opt/csw/etc/orca_services.cfg
Orca at Mon Apr  6 22:02:00 2009 running on:
    Orca version 0.28.0 (dev 535)
    RRDs version 1.3006
    Perl version 5.008008
Loading state from '/var/opt/csw/orca/rrd/orca_services/orca.state'.
Creating orca_logo.gif.
Creating rrdtool_logo.gif.
Creating rothschild_image_logo.png.
Finding files and setting up data structures at Mon Apr  6 22:02:00 2009.
Current running time is 0:01 minutes.
Loading new data from group orca_services for sys1.
Loading new data from group orca_services for sysa.
Saving state into '/var/opt/csw/orca/rrd/orca_services/orca.state'.
Updating PNGs.
Creating HTML files in '/opt/csw/share/www/orca/orca_services/'.
Sleeping at Mon Apr  6 22:02:02 2009 until Mon Apr  6 22:07:30 2009.
Current running time is 5:32 minutes.
Loading new data from group orca_services for sys1.
Updating PNGs.
Sleeping at Mon Apr  6 22:07:31 2009 until Mon Apr  6 22:07:32 2009.
Current running time is 5:34 minutes.
Loading new data from group orca_services for sysa.
Updating PNGs.
Sleeping at Mon Apr  6 22:07:33 2009 until Mon Apr  6 22:13:01 2009.
^CCurrent running time is 11:02 minutes.
/opt/csw/bin/orca: caught signal INT.
At this point the web page contains the headers and trailers plus the table(s) 
with the two servers but no graphs.
The plot statements from the cfg file are of the following format:
plot {
title                   %g SMTP Mail Queue
source                  orca_services
data                    mailq_total
legend                  Msgs. in queue (5m)
y_legend                Number of Messages
line_type               line2
data_min                0
data_max                U
I'm looking for plots like the older versions (0.265 is what I've been using).
Unless you have a magic bullet I'm ready to throw in the towel.
If I had any obligation to test CSW packages, I feel that I've proven that it's 
beyond me. I invested a couple of weeks trying but don't really have anything 
to show for it.
Glen Gunselman
Systems Software Specialist
Emporia State University

>>> Dagobert Michelsen d...@opencsw.org> 3/17/2009 4:22 PM >> ( 
>>> mailto:d...@opencsw.org> )
Basically the packages are ready for use, but the start-scripts are
still without SMF-support. Do you know how to operate Orca
in general or should I write some small how-to?

Best regards

  -- Dago
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