Excerpts from Dagobert Michelsen's message of Fri Mar 27 10:37:35 -0400 2009:

Hi Dago,

> This is not sufficient. It should also change the name of the package
> to REV=..._rev=...-UNCOMMITTED to make the package installable with
> usual tools, but also to make it perfectly clear that it is not
> committed just by looking at the file. Additionally, it would be

Ok, I like this idea.  That will get inserted a little earlier in the

> nice to have a "debug" mode which build only directory-packages
> (as opposed to datastream-packages). Or even better to introduce
> a "releasepkg" target which makes sure eveything is checked in,
> builds a package and makes a copy of trunk/ to tags/.

Let me look at this tonight.

Thanks for the feedback.

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

GPG Key Id: 8E89F6D2; Key Server: pgp.mit.edu
Contact me to arrange for a CAcert assurance meeting.

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