Hi Ben,
Am 27.03.2009 um 15:28 schrieb Ben Walton:
I've been thinking a little more about Phil's proposed svn check in
GAR and I've come up with a compromise (based on my previous
The attached patch to GAR implements an additional target requirement
for `gmake package` named svncheck. This target will stop the package
target from succeeding if it detects UNCOMMITTED in any of the pkginfo
files, but only after all of the packages are built and run through
checkpkg. The notice should be fairly obvious, so the maintainer
knows that a rebuild with checked in code is still required, but since
packages are available, testing can be done without committing every
little tweak
If nobody sees any obvious problems with this patch, I'll check it in.
This is not sufficient. It should also change the name of the package
to REV=..._rev=...-UNCOMMITTED to make the package installable with
usual tools, but also to make it perfectly clear that it is not
committed just by looking at the file. Additionally, it would be
nice to have a "debug" mode which build only directory-packages
(as opposed to datastream-packages). Or even better to introduce
a "releasepkg" target which makes sure eveything is checked in,
builds a package and makes a copy of trunk/ to tags/.
Best regards
-- Dago
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