On 12/24/2015 04:01 PM, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> To satisfy my curiosity, I grepped the convenient tarball of specfiles
> (http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/rpm-specs-latest.tar.xz) for lines
> matching "(?<!%)%define" (%define but not %%define).  To my surprise,
> there were more than 1900 hits.
> Here's a complete (long) list.  I don't think there's much point in
> doing anything about the vast majority of these, but if you're in
> cleaning up your packages then why not?  Also, feel free to let me know
> if any of these are false positives.  (They may be due to %define in the
> changelog or in a "comment", which is also something that should be
> fixed.)  And if you're using %define because you actually need one of
> the peculiar behaviors it exhibits, please let me know because I'd like
> to see an actual example of that.
> (Own goal notice: I have a few packages on this list.  Off to fix them
> up now.)

Cleaned up the 50 packages on this list that I own.


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