On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 12:21 AM, Till Maas <opensou...@till.name> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 12:10:07AM +0200, Alexander Ploumistos wrote:
>> How come datagrepper lists FAF reports for the package from 2015-07-20,
>> when it hadn't been included yet?
> Who said it was not included? It was until now. It will be gone from the
> mirrors after the next update push.

The package is first mentioned in the package db on the 20th of November (2015):

However, datagrepper has FAF reports for rpg that were filed in July and August:

How is that possible? Was it included in the past and got retired
before it was picked up in November?
Or am I completely misunderstanding something?

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