On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 9:47 AM, Stephen Gallagher <sgall...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2015-09-11 at 07:42 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
>> On Fri, 2015-09-11 at 09:02 -0400, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
>> > One can only tilt at windmills for so long before one's horse gives
>> > out. This battle has been fought for years and while it has not
>> > been
>> > entirely fruitless, it's not yielding significant results
>> I think this rather undersells it, to be fair. I think that back
>> before the emergence of large ecosystems where bundling was the norm,
>> distro bundling policies probably *did* yield significant results -
>> distros had more power then, the F/OSS ecosystem was smaller and
>> easier to impose norms on.
> Sorry, I was unclear. I do agree that once upon a time, this was
> absolutely effective. I probably should have said something more along
> the lines of what you did below; that the battlefield has changed and
> our former tactics are no longer sufficient.

+1 - This is an unfortunate observation of the current state of the ecosystem.


>>  The problem we face now is that the world
>> has changed and there are huge chunks of the F/OSS ecosystem which
>> see
>> bundling as just the way they do things; the problem with our current
>> policy is it gives us no way to even reasonably consider what's an
>> appropriate relationship with those ecosystems. All we can do is
>> repeat the ~1995 mantra that the One True Way to work with Fedora is
>> to turn your software into some nicely unbundled RPM packages, which
>> is something they will just laugh out of court, and then we're
>> effectively just not talking to each other at all.
>> I'd prefer us to have some kind of sensible relationship with those
>> kinds of ecosystems - even if in the end it's simply to say 'the way
>> you get this software on Fedora is to use their distribution
>> mechanism', and our job is just to work with the ecosystem to make
>> sure that works nicely on Fedora.
>> --
>> Adam Williamson
>> Fedora QA Community Monkey
>> IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin .
>> net
>> http://www.happyassassin.net
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