On 2015-09-10, 19:10 GMT, Przemek Klosowski wrote: >> The reason for this proposal is relatively simple: we know the >> advantages to unbundling, particularly with security and resource- >> usage. However, the world's developer community largely *does not >> care*. We fought the good fight, we tried to bring people around to >> seeing our reasoning and we failed. > I think we should really pause and think about what does the 'does not > care' mindset entail. It's not just the attitude towards bundling: it > extends to security problems, integration issues, and who knows what > other aspect of the product. I concede that it's, as you said, a list of > the same tired arguments---but they do have a point! I think it is a > mistake to declare defeat, even if it's nominally only on the specific > issue of bundling.
I don’t know how to say it and looked proud or ignorant, but after spending many years almost exclusively inside of the free software movement, I have to admit that the Sturgeon’s Law[1] did not miss us at all, and ninety percent of all free software (mine included at the first place) is crap. Most development practices I can see on GitHub are just absolutely horrible. Everybody talks here about Freedom, Features, Friends, and First, but there used to be pride in the Fedora community (and despite my multiple suggestions it has never made it into The Big Four keywords; probably nobody found out the way how to make it into F* word) to Make Things Right. We used to be proud for the best engineering, and taking a lot of effort to make things in the proper way even when others (hey, Ubuntu!) just throw out sometimes horrible crap. For this I am -1 on this proposal. Yes, there is no way for us to win over the idiocy, and yes, we will probably have to make number of exceptions when necessary, but the fight against entropy should never stop and we should strife to make The Right Things™ against all odds. Best, Matěj [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturgeon%27s_law -- http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/, Jabber: mc...@ceplovi.cz GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC In the government of this Commonwealth, the legislative department shall never exercise the executive and judicial powers, or either of them: The executive shall never exercise the legislative and judicial powers, or either of them: The judicial shall never exercise the legislative and executive powers, or either of them: to the end it may be a government of laws and not of men. -- John Adams in the Article XXXth of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts -- devel mailing list devel@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedoraproject.org/code-of-conduct