On Tue, 2015-09-01 at 11:00 +0200, Germano Massullo wrote:
> Il 31/08/2015 18:19, Adam Williamson ha scritto:
> > There isn't really a great alternative to ownCloud (that I know
> > of) if
> > you actually *want* a 'personal cloud server' with all the bits OC
> > has, but I realized I just don't and I can't stand the pain of
> > maintaining that beast just to keep my calendar and contacts
> > synchronized. I do honestly feel bad about it, but I'd rather be
> > up-
> > front than pretend I'm still doing it but actually never get
> > around to
> > it. 
> What about OpenAtrium?
> http://openatrium.com

I read the first part of the description and fell asleep:

"Open Atrium is an intranet in a box that has group spaces to allow
different teams to have their own conversations and collaboration."

then I read the second part and went 'huh-wha?':

"Open Atrium 2.x for Drupal 7
A new architecture for Drupal 7 that is built upon Organic Groups and
Panopoly and intended as an extensible collaboration framework."

So...wait...it's some sort of file sharing system built on top of a
CMS? This doesn't sound like it's going to be any simpler than
ownCloud. :P And it's still PHP. But sure, it's a thing!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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