On Thu, May 07, 2015 at 08:41:25AM -0600, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Well, just as mentioned in the previous thread, if you do things this
> way it means every user of any unison will have to get a useless update
> everytime any version of unison in your combined package updates for
> any reason. Thats pretty disruptive. 

Looking at the figures:

  Package       Updates in last    .. of which mass rebuilds
                2½ years
  unison213         5                  3
  unison227         4                  4
  unison240        12                  3
  unison248[*]     10                  3
  Total            31
  Total excluding mass rebuilds = 18

Since mass rebuilds would only happen once for the combined package,
the total number of updates over the past 2½ years for a combined
package would have been 21 or 22, well under one update per month.


[*] Estimated by assuming that we built every new upstream stable
release when it came out, but didn't have to rebuild between those
releases, except for mass rebuilds.

Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
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