On 10. 4. 2015 at 16:21:14, Michael Schroeder wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 03:52:32PM +0200, Jan Zelený wrote:
> > I've been using just `dnf update` to update my system for almost a year
> > now
> > and there is not a single package on my system that is not updated to the
> > latest version in the repo.
> Hmm, but doesn't that mean that you wouldn't care if '--best' became
> the default?

I guess ... I'm trying point out that if you don't need to have every single 
update as soon as it's out, both ways will work for you equally well.

> To decide what the default should be you need to look at use cases
> where the option makes a difference and then find out, what's best
> (or most convenient) for the user.

Agreed. I guess I'm just reluctant to change the default at the first sign of 
inconvenience. Chances are that the change will be inconvenient to many more 
people who are quiet so far because everything works great for them.

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