
People who have their names in the Fedora tcp_wrappers changelog added to CC 

Any comments about the below? Obviously aclexec feature would be useful for all 
services using tcpwrappers/libwrap (ftp,telnet,tftp,ident,nfs, and many others),
and thus very nice to have.


-- Pasi

On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 12:16:38AM +0200, Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently noticed Debian/Ubuntu has had support for "aclexec" in 
> tcp_wrappers via a custom patch since 2006,
> so you can do this in /etc/hosts.allow or hosts.deny:
> sshd: ALL: aclexec /usr/local/bin/sshfilter.sh %a
> if sshfilter.sh returns true the access is allowed, if sshfilter.sh returns 
> false the access is denied.
> Very handy for integrating DNS RBLs and other IP databases etc.
> What do people feel about that? I'd like to see support for aclexec included 
> in Fedora's tcp_wrappers package.
> I don't think there has been any upstream releases of tcp_wrappers in the 
> near past,
> so that aclexec feature is not upstream.. but the patch that Debian/Ubuntu 
> are using is available.
> Debian tcp_wrappers changelog:
> http://archive.debian.net/changelogs/pool/main/t/tcp-wrappers/tcp-wrappers_7.6.q-16/changelog
> "New patch aclexec: adds the aclexec command and its documentation." was 
> added in 2006.
> Thanks,
> -- Pasi

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