
I recently noticed Debian/Ubuntu has had support for "aclexec" in tcp_wrappers 
via a custom patch since 2006,
so you can do this in /etc/hosts.allow or hosts.deny:

sshd: ALL: aclexec /usr/local/bin/sshfilter.sh %a

if sshfilter.sh returns true the access is allowed, if sshfilter.sh returns 
false the access is denied.
Very handy for integrating DNS RBLs and other IP databases etc.

What do people feel about that? I'd like to see support for aclexec included in 
Fedora's tcp_wrappers package.

I don't think there has been any upstream releases of tcp_wrappers in the near 
so that aclexec feature is not upstream.. but the patch that Debian/Ubuntu are 
using is available.

Debian tcp_wrappers changelog:

"New patch aclexec: adds the aclexec command and its documentation." was added 
in 2006.


-- Pasi

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