Am 02.10.2014 um 16:50 schrieb Pierre-Yves Chibon:
> On Thu, Oct 02, 2014 at 04:47:08PM +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> Am 02.10.2014 um 16:32 schrieb Richard Hughes:
>>> On 2 October 2014 15:17, Tim Lauridsen <> wrote:
>>>> I think that is a bad idea to exclude applications from a Software manager,
>>>> because they don't live up to some visual quality guidelines.
>>> There's actually a whole load of reasons why we'd blacklist
>>> applications: 
>>> for instance programs that identify themselves as "settings" or apps
>>> that haven't had an upstream release in 5 years
>> don't get me wrong but "haven't had an upstream release in 5 years"
>> is a silly reasoning - if an application works and has the feature
>> set it was intended to provide upstream needs to open the changelog
>> type there "to make some distribution clown happy", raise the version
>> number and the maintainer in the distribution too has useless work?
> You may disagree and say so, but calling anyone a clown is not going to make
> your argument stronger, quite the contrary in fact.
> Please do not resolve to personal attack on this list

you misunderstood me

*that* would be the exact message i would write in the
log a upstream maintainer if someone tells me my
application which works just fine needs a update
because it otherwise is not displayed

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