On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Miloslav Trmač <m...@redhat.com> wrote:
> (This is all rather beside the point: fixing those particular things won’t 
> eliminate any of the problems of triplicate implementations and splintered 
> knowledge.  But to spread the awareness of the area…)
> ----- Original Message -----
>> On Wed, Jul 9, 2014, at 07:30 AM, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
>> > * validates names incorrectly
>> We're talking about the equivalent of lu_name_allowed() from libuser?
> Yes.
>> But the usernames specified here are only for system users, they're not
>> derived from dynamic input, so it seems to me we can be even more
>> restrictive safely.
> True; to that extent this is not such a pressing problem.
>> Can you be more specific about the name validation?
> The binding maximum length constraint is from the utmp format (UT_NAMESIZE - 
> 1); LOGIN_NAME_MAX is an upper bound but not binding, and this has already 
> ended up in systemd-sysuser’s documentation essentially promising to do the 
> impossible/unsafe by using the non-binding maximum length.
>> > > * breaks the configurable [UG]ID_MIN logic
>> > (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/1000SystemAccounts, and yes, that
>> > is actually used and needed)
>> It *does* read that file since:
>> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/systemd/systemd/commit/?id=f7dc3ab9f43b67abcbd34062b9352ab42debec49
>> This predates sysusers, but I'm assuming you mean the bug here is that
>> it's read at build time and instead should be dynamic?
> Yes.
>> > * is likely to break various readers software by not updating the shadow
>> > files
>> There was a discussion of that upstream, it's on the TODO.  I agree with
>> Lennart here that it seems nicer to just not have entries at all,
> On a typical system _no_ accounts are misssing from the shadow files, so 
> tools and admins’ scripts are not designed and rigorously tested to handle 
> this.  (Early in its history, system-config-users had a _lot_ of problems 
> with shadow/non-shadow mismatches.)

Until you introduce NIS, NIS+, LDAP, or Samba. style LDAP.

system-config-users had a lot of issues, in my experience, because it
would fail to *resolve* mismatches created by other badly, badly
written tools.

> Note also that if a tool needs to edit _one_ field within the shadow file, it 
> needs to add some values for all the other fields (or at least the mandatory 
> ones), and it’s not always obvious what value to use.  So it’s actually much 
> clearer for the system tools, which already know the default values of the 
> fields based on their own configuration, to pre-create the shadow entries 
> with the correct default values.  (Though this applies especially to real 
> users rather than passwordless system accounts.)

If any modern tool is not using 'usermod' or 'lusermod' directly, to
avoid problems with atomic operations by other tools, than I certainly
don't want to see it current Fedora relases.

>> In that case, I don't see significant
>> complexity or cost to having multiple readers/writers.
> The cost to write the new code in systemd-sysusers is already way larger than 
> what would have been necessary to just call useradd, so it is inefficient by 
> that measure already.  Then add this discussion, and making any future 
> changes in the design more costly (like your proposal for /usr/lib/passwd - 
> one more implementation is one more place to patch; every future change would 
> be all that much harder)
>     Mirek

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