On Jan 16, 2014, at 10:13 AM, Adam Williamson <awill...@redhat.com> wrote:
> At least in a toolkit you can implement the kind of thing suggested on
> the Firefox bug, but still - does this look like awesome pseudo-code to
> you?
> if $thing is Unicode character;
>    render_unicode($thing);
> OH OOPS EXCEPT if $thing is special magic Unicode code point;
>    render_unicode($thing, font=special_magic_font);

Special casing things is broken.

It seems like giving users a knob to affect the presentation of pictographs, as 
they're allowed to do with glyphs by changing the typeface, is wrong. For 
pictographs to display correctly the browser can't allow the user to override 
what typeface is being used.

I don't know who sneezed snot over all of this first, but I know it was working 
with Webdings circa 1998. Granted, designers were probably the first in saying 
they didn't want to use a typeface everyone else was using, they wanted their 
own custom pictographs. Well, fine, but then they have to be defined with a 
webfont that can't be overridden. I'm not sure why this is so difficult, it 
doesn't exactly seem like rocket science - but then it'd also be like the lunar 
module team casually deciding to send a yacht to the moon without informing any 
other team. Maybe basic cooperation is just spectacularly difficult in this 

Chris Murphy

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