I've been looking at more webapp unbundling stuff over the last couple of days (as anyone following my G+ feed probably noticed...) and I just noticed that web-assets-httpd is still not being built. The last note was back in August:
* Fri Aug 16 2013 T.C. Hollingsworth <tchollingswo...@gmail.com> - 4-1 - temporarily disable httpd stuff while we're waiting on sorting out the directory that leads me back to a devel@ thread from around that time which in turn links to a discussion where we were hoping to come up with something compatible with Debian: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-javascript-devel/2013-August/005888.html http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=553173 but both that thread and that bug report seem to have petered out, with no movement. Is there discussion going on about this in some other forum, still? Or is it sort of in limbo? I have unbundling of Roundcube's tiny_mce via an alias to /usr/share/javascript/tiny_mce working fine, but it requires the httpd .conf snippet that allows access to /usr/share/javascript , which is part of web-assets-httpd... On another track, the web assets change seems to suggest the use of symlinks for unbundling things as a strategy to avoid divergence from upstream in cases where they aren't being nice and providing a proper variable for the path name that we can change or whatever, but I think any attempt to use symlinks to unbundle things that have previously been bundled is going to run head-on into the 'rpm can't convert directories to symlinks' problem. symlinks might be a better approach than Aliases, now I come to think of it, since it's all well and good shipping httpd config files but it doesn't help anyone using another web server...but I can't really use a symlink approach without a good solution to the directory-to-symlink problem, which we still don't seem to have. I guess the cleanest approach would be to try and get a patch upstreamed which specifies a variable for the path to the bundled stuff and have our package set that variable accordingly...but that would require web-assets-httpd also. -- Adam Williamson Fedora QA Community Monkey IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net http://www.happyassassin.net -- devel mailing list devel@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedoraproject.org/code-of-conduct