Le Dim 10 novembre 2013 22:22, Lennart Poettering a écrit :
> On Fri, 08.11.13 17:22, Kevin Fenzi (ke...@scrye.com) wrote:
>> > > GNOME supports the Terminal key just fine. But just having your
>> > > commandd run in a terminal is not quite enough to give it an
>> > > identity as a separate application - to the rest of the system it
>> > > will appear just as a terminal. The extra arguments that Christian
>> > > shows there help to overcome this problem.
>> >
>> > But they hardcode the terminal application to gnome-terminal, which
>> > is unacceptable!
>> Let me rephrase that in a way that is more productive:
>> Would it be possible to use xdg-terminal or whatever is set as default
>> handler for application/x-xdg-terminal-emulator to run the command?
>> That may well have reduced functionality, but still might fit in with
>> what the user set.
> Yes, please, let's totally wrap everything in shell scripts, so that
> things get simpler and faster and everything. Let's also try to push
> "standards" that instead of actually standardizing on anything just wrap
> other software creating more "abstraction layers", because that's cool
> and that's how "standards" are best written.

For once I totally agree with you. xdg badly needs an indirection diet

Nicolas Mailhot

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