On Thu, 2013-11-07 at 16:37 -0500, Christian Schaller wrote:
> Ok, so I guess the solution would be for the launcher to do something like 
> this:
> gnome-terminal --geometry 80x37 --disable-factory --role=bitchx 
> --class=bitchx --name "bitchX IRC" --title "BitchX IRC"
> That said Ray mentioned that this is probably not supported yet in the Shell 
> launcher. 
> Anyway, as Richard says, we should have a proper design discussion around 
> this and not just add a ton of .desktop files without thinking through the 
> presentation
> and how it will work. But feel free to file some bug reports to kick of a 
> discussion.

Right, I'm a bit worried about tail-wagging-dog here. Please, no-one go
around throwing .desktop files in terminal apps just to try and get them
to show up in Software. Your package should have a .desktop file only if
it actually makes some sense that someone would want to launch it from a
desktop environment's menus / launcher thingy.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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