On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 8:50 AM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson"
<johan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The infrastructure cost ( with the exception of any paid manpower ) is what
> sets the baseline for host/run and that cost is what would determine the
> infra/hosting tax % or at least gives a number for a minimum we would need
> to aim at.

You could work with the infrastructure team to generate some metrics
on the amount of cpu/band/storage we use as part of package build
churn, average and peak, during a release cycle... and then turn those
non-financial metrics..into a financial goal based on utility price
points published by aws or another utility provider.

The actual costs being paid by Red Hat to do Fedora specific things
are subsidized to an extent by their ongoing RHEL needs as well. Even
if you had the actual dollar numbers, you couldn't really use them as
a baseline, because anything you create outside of the RH infra to
carry some of the Fedora task load will not operate in the discounted

So all you can do is gather the core metrics for utility use...
cpu/band/storage... and with those metrics in hand price what it would
take to build and run a koji builder in the public cloud as a starting
point and plan your initial crowdsourcing campaign around that pricing
expectation based on the resource burn metrics we can measure and
track. Start there. Figure out how to fund a builder that can handle a
share of peak load.

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