On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:08 AM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson"
<johan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 07/24/2013 05:02 PM, Jef Spaleta wrote:
>> So all you can do is gather the core metrics for utility use...
>> cpu/band/storage... and with those metrics in hand price what it would
>> take to build and run a koji builder in the public cloud as a starting
>> point and plan your initial crowdsourcing campaign
> This is not a crowdsourcing campain ( as they are usually made up of ) this
> is something we would adapt,apply and build into the community platform.

You say potato... I say potatoe. I really don't care about what its
fashionable to call it. crowdsourcing, microinvestments, membership
dues... whatever.. i dont care.  But I do find it amusingly ironic
that you would dissuade me from using the word crowdsource when you
picked the phrase "crowd funding" for the initial subject line. I
don't consider that level of nitpicking  over word choices
particularly constructive, and as a result I take your interest in
this less seriously than I would have otherwise if you had just let
that slide in what is an evolving brainstorming session of an
under-specified concept. Oh well, live and learn.

> Agree that's one way of figuring out but ( share number of
> servers/cpu/storage )  honestly i would have thought the infrastructure team
> would already know this.

How about you table this discussion as it stands right now on this
list, and take the next few days and talk to the infra team about what
the currently know and don't know concerning the computing resource
burn rate for fedora specific tasking. And see if you can help them
document resource burn rates in non-financial units in a way that
doesn't require a legal review as a potential financial disclosure for
Red Hat as a publicly traded company. Do everything you can to the
info you need, in a way that avoids requiring any action by either
legal or accounting depts inside the fenceline and everyone will be
happier.   Even in my own academic institution where I work... the
more I can avoid interacting with legal and accounting...the more
productive I am and the less time is wasted.

I'm not sure the discussion really constructively go forward on the
idea of "crowd funding" as you call it, until you have the discussion
with infra team and build any of the missing metrics for compute
resource burn. I'm expecting there is going to be some tooling
required to get metrics publish in a way that makes sense for the
community to digest on a regular basis as part of informed decision
making ahead of a financial contribution on a periodic basis.

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