On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 01:31:53PM -0500, Andrew McNabb wrote:
> The way git does it is to only set the LESS environment variable if it's
> not set.  If the LESS environment variable is set, then git doesn't
> touch it.  This seems like a nice balanced way to approach the
> situation, and it would be wonderful if systemd/journalctl did the same
> thing as git.
That's actually what it did originally.

This doesn't work, because the colored output of journalctl needs -R, and
several other options are important. I have my LESS variable normally set to
-MX, which is great for most things but doesn't work right for this special
case. I think the current approach is probably the best compromise.

Matthew Miller  ☁☁☁  Fedora Cloud Architect  ☁☁☁  <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
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