On Mon, 15.07.13 18:39, Chris Adams (li...@cmadams.net) wrote:

> Once upon a time, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <zbys...@in.waw.pl> said:
> > On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 05:43:43PM -0500, Chris Adams wrote:
> > > No, the "bug" is journalctl, not less.  If I run "journalctl | less", I
> > > get wrapped lines.  If I run "journalctl", I get truncated lines
> > > (despite your repeated claims to the contrary).
> > [At least in default configuration] you can switch between "truncated"
> > and "non-truncated" output by pressing -S<ENTER>, or view the "truncated"
> > part by pressing right arrow. If you're seeing something different,
> > then please file a bug (against less, because journalctl doesn't really
> > do anything other than popen("less") here). For reference, try pressing
> > 'h' in less, I see:
> Actually, journalctl DOES do something other than popen("less"); it
> overrides the user's $LESS and sets it to "FRSXMK" (the S option tells
> less to chop lines).  So while technically journalctl is not chopping
> lines, it is forcing less to do so.  A user's $LESS should not be
> overridden, especially to chop log lines.

Well, they arent't "chopped". You can scroll to the right and you can
see them.

We didn't override LESS initially, but we got bugs about that, and after
a while of forth and back we followed again what git does here and
override it. You find the discussions in bugzilla.

> Another thing that I don't see in the man page is why some lines are
> bold/in color.

Log priorities. This is indeed missing in the man pages. Added to the
TODO list now, to fix.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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