Am 17.06.2013 15:00, schrieb Orcan Ogetbil:
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 4:52 AM, Florian Weimer wrote:
>> I would like to avoid creating accounts in gazillion upstream bug trackers,
> Aha! Should the package maintainers play the middle man in the
> gazillion upstream bug tracker accounts? This sounds neither very
> thoughtful nor quite efficient.
i expect a *package maintain er* has already a account in the upstream
tracker of packages he maintains - nobody says he needs a gazillion
accounts, but usually he has for the packages he maintains

the ordinary user has a few thousand packages installed

>> so as a single point of contact is very helpful to me.
> I wish life was that easy!

it should be that easy

answering in a bugreport "file the bugreport upstream" is the best
way after the third time never ever get any bugrpeort from this

> Basically, if it is RPM packaging specific enhancement/bug

does not matter from the viewpoint of a *ordinary user*
nor is he able to know if it is the case

> or if upstream uses as their primary bugtracker

does not matter from the viewpoint of a *ordinary user*

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